Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt Along . . . Month 2 Instructions

For Month 2. Use templates 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 18, 25, 56, 57, 57R, 72, 73, 95
We are making blocks. 10, 11, 49, 71, 20, 81, 77, 109

Cutting Diagram

Week 5 

Use templates 7 and 18.

Using template 7 measurements cut 2 x 2 3/8’’ squares in aqua paisley. Cut these on the diagonal to give you 4 template 7. Trim off the corners as on the template.
Using template 18, trace and fussy cut, 2 in white/red roses and then, 2 in pink check.

NOTE. When cutting any check fabric, trace and cut on the straight line of the check not the straight grain. Unless the checks are woven into the fabric they are printed on and are usually parallel with the selvage edge but not with the cross grain!
Using the pink check fabric cut 4 x 2 3/8’’ strips from the short end. Cross cut these into 8 x 2 3/8’’ squares.
Cut 4 x 2 3/8’’ squares in green and 4 in aqua blossom. Make all these into ½ square triangles as per week 3. Giving you 32 template 7 for block 11.
Following our photo for colour placement, lay out as in the book and sew together as described. Repeat this step with all the blocks.

Week 6

Use templates 5, 7, 9, 56, 57, 57R.

Using template 56, trace and cut 4 shapes in pink doily rose, 2 in green and 2 in aqua blossom.
Using templates 57 and 57R trace and cut 8 of each in white.
Fussy cut template 5 in pink doily rose.
Cut 4 x 3 ½’’ x 2’’ rectangles in aqua paisley for template 9.
Cut 2 x 2 3/8’’ squares in aqua paisley and white and make into ½ square triangles as per week 3. Trim these to 2’’ squares if needed, keeping the seam on the diagonal to give you 8 template 7.


Week 7

Use templates 1, 3, 25.
Using template 1 measurements fussy cut 2 x 2 ½’’ squares in white/ red rose fabric.
Then cut 4 x 1 ½’’ x 2 ½’’ rectangles, template 25, and 4 x 2 7/8’’ squares for template 3.
Using the green blossom fabric cut 4 x 2 ½’’ squares, then cut 4 x 2 7/8’’ squares, place together with the white squares and make up as per week 3 to give you 16 template 3.
Cut 4 x 1 ½’’ x 2 ½’’ rectangles in pink check.

Week 8

Use templates 9, 12, 72, 73, 95

Using the green doily rose fabric and template 72, trace and fussy cut 4 shapes, keeping the centre point of the shape on the same part of the pattern each time then, cut a 2’’ strip from the other side of the fabric. Cross cut this into 2 x 6 ½’’, rectangles, template 95, and 2 x 3 ½’’ rectangles, template 9.
Then, using the aqua blossom, cut 1 x 2 5/8’’ square, template 73, and 2 x 3’’ squares, cut on the diagonal, to make 4 template12.

Cut 1 x 3’’ square in aqua paisley and cut on the diagonal, for 2 template 12.
Trace and cut 2 x template 12 in pink check. Make up the centre square of block 109 and trim to a 3 ½’’ square, then add the borders.

That’s month 2 finished! Arrange these with month 1 blocks and enjoy!

Keep all the left over fabric scraps for when we make Block 68. It uses 36, 1 ½’’ squares and it would be so pretty to make each square a different fabric!

Happy Quilting Debby and Eve.

pssssst have you joined our Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt Along facebook group yet?  Join up and share your photos, tips ask questions and share your excitement and frustrations!  x 


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